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Adjusting and Fixing
What We Learned
Mark VI
More Machines
For You


It always seems that just as soon as we get these things rolling, it's time to go.

Unlike times in the past, not all the 'trons were finished up.  Dan's EMI machine was completely dismantled, and John was staying 'til mid-week to have a look at it and a few other machines.


I suspect this man was quite busy overseeing the reconstruction of the above bits o' 'Tron!


You know it's over when the first 'tron gets sealed in its Protect-O-Muff or is loaded into a road case for the trip home.

Clay Eccles, Ray Jung, and Martin Smith chat for a second as Clay loads the Mark VI into its road case.

Ray Jung---not packing up, but he packs a wallop on the bass!
His fretless bass is now part of the Mellotron tape collection, available from the Streetly Lads (UK) and Jimmy Moore (US).

Ken Merbler helps pack up


Dan Miso got his M400 packed away in its Protect-O-Muff, ready to go.


And with that, 'Tronto Mark II drew to a close.

'til next time!


Too many thank yous for these things, ya know?  Excellent, excellent work!

Rick Blechta - organizer (along with Chris Dale---and Maxine Dale, who put together our Saturday lunch)
Craig Collett - of Coll Audio, our hosts
John Bradley - Streetly
Ian McDonald - the man behind "Epitaph"
Pierre Veilleux - Mellotron Demonstrator
Martin Smith - Streetly

Jim Krueger and John Bradley